Mangiafico Knives: Crafting with Purpose and Passion for River Conservation
Joe Mangiafico, the founder of Mangiafico Knives, has been a dedicated supporter of Science on the Fly from the very beginning, using his incredible craftsmanship to blend his love for rivers with his talent for knife-making. Known for his stunning, fish-inspired knives, Joe’s work reflects the beauty of the waters he’s passionate about preserving. Beyond raising over $3,000 this year through his community of knife and river enthusiasts, Joe has also volunteered and worked for the program since the beginning—from collecting samples, shipping packages, and researching rivers in Alaska. His artful knives are not only functional tools but also a powerful way to raise awareness for river protection. We’re deeply grateful for his hands-on dedication, his beautiful craftsmanship, and the lasting impact he’s helping us create. Now, let’s get to know Joe!
Photo By Joe Mangiafico of Mangiafico Knives
Tell us a little about yourself, Joe.
Hi! I am Joe Mangiafico, founder of Mangiafico Knives. I started making knives as a hobby while attending the University of Vermont. Studying fisheries management and having been a lifelong fish enthusiast, I eventually found methods to merge my two passions, both in craft and conservation. I am based on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Mangiafico Knives beautifully blends craft with fishing. What is your home water and is there a river story in the creation of Mangiafico Knives?
Though there are many rivers around me here, I consider my home water to be the Brewster flats in Cape Cod bay. I learned how to fish from my grandfather on the south side of Cape Cod fishing for bluefish, but my first time really fly fishing was when my grandfather got me a fly fishing guide trip on Brewster Flats for my 12th birthday, and that’s when life REALLY began for me, haha. Now I am a guide here when I am not working on Mangiafico Knives!
The real inspiration for Mangiafico Knives, however, was from childhood and not necessarily from a day on the water. When I was a little kid in a suburban Atlanta K-Mart with my mom, I saw a pocket knife with a bone handle, scrimshawed with a trout on it. I had to have it… so I did the chores. I’ll never forget the feeling of having that little fish-themed knife handle in my pocket as a kid, both using it while I was on the water and for boring jobs around the house. For some reason it just made me happy!
In my custom work, I strive to invoke that feeling in my customers to the best of my ability. Whether they are using the knife in the office or in the field, I think a having a tool that makes you happy can brighten your day.
Why is it important to Mangiafico Knives to give back to our rivers, help share their stories, and protect them?
While attending UVM as stated above, I caught my first brook trout. Sounds silly, but it took my breath away. The rich gold & orange colors, and those blue halos! I had never seen something so pretty.
Take one look at my knife work and you will see where my inspiration comes from - trout. During fisheries management courses I learned how sensitive these coldwater habitats are, and how much they need our protection.
Unfortunately, we’ve all seen certain river habitats decline at the hand of corporate greed and development. A strong fly fishing/conservationist community is the best defense we have against threats to healthy rivers, and I’m beyond grateful that I can use my business to support them!
You’ve done a lot for Science on the Fly while you have run Mangiafico Knives. From volunteering, to shipping, researching rivers in Alaska, to raising money for our program through donating your knives. How did you come across and get involved with Science on the Fly?
I got lucky. I randomly met Max Holmes, the cofounder of Science on the Fly while fishing many years ago. We got to talking, and the rest was history. I started volunteering because I loved the mission, and thought it was a brilliant way to soundly structure a conservation organization - with the community that cares.
I worked in the fisheries & conservation field before becoming a full time knife maker, and a few of the best years were spent working for Science on the Fly! I love the community-driven approach that SOTF takes towards conservation. The feeling of being part of a team with such a passionate group of folks is a very powerful conservation & lobbying tool, and ecological successes feel so much better when our team wins!
Where can our community find you and Mangiafico Knives?
Instagram: joe_mangiafico
Facebook: Mangiafico Knives